Campus Map Key
University Buildings & Facilities
ALUM Koenig Alumni Center D-2
ARCE Administrative and Research Center (East Campus) G-1
ARMR Armory C-3
ATLS ATLAS Building, Roser (Alliance for Technology, Learning and Society) F-6
BESC Benson Earth Sciences E-8
BIOT Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building H-2
C4C Center for Community H-9
CARL Carlson Gymnasium D-6
CAS Center for Asian Studies C-1
CASA Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy I-2
CASE The Center for Academic Success and Engagement G-5
CEDU Continuing Education Center C-3
CHEM Cristol Chemistry and Biochemistry F-5
CHMP Champions Center D-8
CIRE CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) E-5
CLRE Clare Small Arts and Sciences C-5
CLUB University Club G-5
COMP Computing Center G-2
COTT Gates Woodruff Women’s Studies Cottage E-2
DALW Dal Ward Athletic Center C-7
DDW Duane D-Wing F-6
DEN Denison Arts and Sciences F-3
DLC Discovery Learning Center E-11
DUAN Duane Physics and Astrophysics E-7
EC Engineering Center F-10
ECON Economics Building E-3
EDEP East District Energy Plant G-12
EDUC Education Building F-4
EHSC Environmental Health and Safety Center G-12
EKLC Ekeley Sciences Building E-4
ENVD Environmental Design F-6
EPRK Euclid Avenue AutoPark F-11
EVNT Coors Events / Conference Center / Basketball-Volleyball Practice Facility H-11
FH Balch Fieldhouse D-7
FISK Fiske Planetarium and Science Center H-9
FLMG Fleming Building J-10
Folsom Field D-7
Gamow Tower (in Duane Physics and Astrophysics) E-7
FA Arts and Sciences Finance and Payroll Administration F-5
GH-3 Research Park Greenhouse H-1
GOLD Gold Biosciences Building (MCD Biology) E-7
GROC Grounds and Recycling Operations Center F-12
GUGG Guggenheim Geography E-3
HALE Hale Science D-3
HEND Henderson Building (Museum of Natural History) F-4
HLMS Hellems Arts and Sciences (includes Mary Rippon Outdoor Theatre) E-4
HSSC Housing System Service Center G-2
HUMN Eaton Humanities Building D-5
IBG Institute for Behavioral Genetics H-1
University Buildings & Facilities (CONT)
IBS Institute of Behavioral Science C-3
IPRC Indoor Practice Facility D-9
ITLL Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory E-11
KOBL Koelbel Building (Leeds School of Business) G-10
KTCH Ketchum Arts and Sciences E-5
LIBR Norlin Library E-5
LITR Rose Litman Research Laboratory, RL1 G-1
Roser ATLAS Building (see ATLAS Building) F-6
LSRL Life Science Research Laboratory, RL4 G-1
LSTR LASP Space Technology Research Center H-2
MAIN Old Main D-4
MATH Mathematics Building F-9
MCKY Macky Auditorium D-4
MCOL Bruce Curtis Building (Museum Collections) F-3
MKNA McKenna Languages D-3
MSSC Marine Street Science Center, Research Laboratory, RL6 G-2
Mary Rippon Outdoor Theatre (at Hellems Arts and Sciences) F-4
MUEN Muenzinger Psychology E-6
Museum of Natural History (in Henderson Building) F-4
MUS Imig Music Building G-6
OB1 Arts and Sciences Office Building 1 C-3
OBSV Sommers-Bausch Observatory H-10
PDPS Police and Parking Services F-11
PFDC Page Foundation Center C-2
PORT Porter Biosciences E-6
POWR Power House E-6
RAMY Ramaley Biology D-6
REC Student Recreation Center D-6
RGNT Regent Administrative Center H-7
RL2 Research Laboratory, RL2 G-1
RPRK Regent Drive AutoPark F-11
SEEC Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex (SEEC) H-3
SEEL Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex L-Wing H-4
SLHS Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences H-10
SLL Science Learning Laboratory G-2
SPSC Space Science H-3
STAD Stadium Building D-8
STTB Stadium Ticket Building E-7
TB01 Temporary Building No. 1 C-5
THTR University Theatre Building (includes Charlotte York Irey Theatre) E-4
TLC Technology Learning Center F-6
TRAN Transportation Center G-1
UCTR University Administrative Center and Annex H-7
UMC University Memorial Center F-5
VAC Visual Arts Complex (includes CU Art Museum) F-5
WARD Wardenburg Health Center G-6
WDBY Woodbury Arts and Sciences D-4
WLFL Wolf Law Building J-10
University Housing
ADEN Aden Hall (Engineering Quad) F-8
ANDS Andrews Hall (Kittredge Complex) J-10
ARNT Arnett Hall (Kittredge Complex) I-11
ATCT Athens Court B-6
ATHN Athens North Hall B-6
BCAP Bear Creek Apartments (Williams Village) K-5
BCC Bear Creek Commons (Williams Village) J-5
BKER Baker Hall F-7
BRKT Brackett Hall (Engineering Quad) F-9
BUCK Buckingham Hall (Kittredge Complex) I-11
CHEY Cheyenne Arapaho Hall G-7
CKRL Cockerell Hall (Engineering Quad) F-9
CROS Crosman Hall (Engineering Quad) G-9
DLYT Darley Towers (Williams Village) J-5
FACT Faculty-Staff Court B-5
FRND Farrand Hall G-8
HLET Hallett Hall G-9
KCEN Kittredge Central Hall (Kittredge Complex) I-10
KITW Kittredge West Hall (Kittredge Complex) I-9
LIBY Libby Hall F-8
MRCT Marine Court B-7
REED Reed Hall G-9
SMCT Smiley Court K-4
SMTH Smith Hall (Kittredge Complex) J-11
STNC Stearns Towers (Williams Village) I-5
SWLL Sewall Hall C-5
WVC Village Center Dining and Community Commons J-5
WLRD Willard Hall G-8
WVN Williams Village North Hall (Williams Village) J-5