
On-campus housing options include residence halls and apartments, all offering a supportive and safe living-learning environment within walking distance of academic buildings, the library, and health and wellness opportunities. Benefits also include on-site laundry, TV and study areas, free local cable TV and high-speed internet. And there’s more to come. EMU and its partners will invest more than $200 million from 2022-2025 to construct new on-campus student housing, renovate existing housing, and demolish outdated housing.

EEMU Dining has something for every taste, lifestyle and budget. Chick-fil-A is a popular choice on the south side of campus, in McKenny Hall. The Student Center is home to Mondo subs, Sono Latin, Build Pizza and Starbucks. The Commons, near Pray-Harrold, offers all-you-care-to-eat dining, and markets with sandwiches, soups and snacks are in Pray-Harrold, Halle Library, McKenny Hall, the Marshall Building and the Science Complex (Mark Jefferson wing). Visit
emich.edu/dining for hours.