On a campus that’s always growing and changing, there is True Blue pride in everything we do. We are united by loyalty to MTSU traditions, and we’re excited about the future. Here are a few of the traditions that make MTSU special.

The Horseshoe. The blue horseshoe in Walnut Grove has a penny from 1911 (the year the University was founded) buried beneath it. Alumni, students, and fans are encouraged to touch the horseshoe for good luck before events like a big game, a performance, or even a test.

Convocation opens each academic year. It follows the Back-to-School Bash, which many new students and their families attend, and Commons Kickoff.

Students, faculty and staff members, and neighbors fill the Student Union Ballroom during Week of Welcome to enjoy a performance by a famous comedian or celebrity.

Homecoming. Don’t miss game-day tailgating, club reunions, the chili cook-off, Tent City, and more.

The tradition of game-day activities includes students going to the Recreation Center for the fall Blue Zoo Bash event. Fans gather outdoors in Walnut Grove before home football games. Raider Walk features football players and coaches making their way to Floyd Stadium. Each year, one home football game is designated as the Blackout game—fans set aside MTSU’s blue and white and wear all black. The football team salutes the student body to the music of “The Tennessee Waltz” at the end of every home football game.

You did the work on a big class project. Now show it off at Scholars Week. Once a year, students have the opportunity to showcase individual and collaborative research, scholarship, and creativity—from science projects to dance and theater productions.

The bells in the tower of Paul W. Martin Sr. Honors Building ring every time a student completes an Honors thesis or creative project.

Student volunteerism is common at MTSU. Sponsored by the Student Government Association, the University’s annual Big Event is part of the largest one-day, student-run service project in the nation. Thousands of students also participate in programs such as Alternative Fall/Spring Breaks and Make-a-Difference Day, sponsored by the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership.

“I am engaged in the life of this community. I am a giver and a recipient.” It’s part of the True Blue Pledge—and a key to your success at MTSU.

Students who get involved in extracurricular activities tend to do better academically and are more likely to graduate compared with those who don’t. That’s why Connection Point is an important part of your first-year experience.

Every new student is expected to participate in at least four Connection Point activities during the first part of the semester. Connection Point events can be found on our Campus Life calendar at

Don’t feel compelled to stop at four events—attend as many as you like!


MTSU has a long tradition of aiding veterans in their transition from military to civilian life.

In 2011, MTSU became the first higher education institution in the state (and one of the first in the country) to partner with the Veterans Affairs’ VetSuccess on Campus program. The creation of the Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center on campus was a big step in MTSU's becoming the most military-friendly university in America.

The 3,200-square-foot center constitutes the largest and most comprehensive veterans and military family center at a university in Tennessee, providing one-stop service and support for the more than 1,100 student veterans and their family members.

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Keith M. Huber, senior advisor for veterans and leadership initiatives, heads up MTSU’s ongoing push to help student veterans be successful at college.

Although Charlie Daniels died in 2020, his nonprofit Journey Home Project remains a partner of the veterans center. The Nashville Predators also partner with the center in support of The General’s Fund, which helps student veterans who exhaust their educational benefits.