Navigate our home base.

Adams Hall | Adam | E6 |
Advanced Wood Products Lab | AWPL | D2 |
Aero Engineering Lab | AEL | F3 |
Agricultural and Life Sciences Building | ALS | B4 |
Apiary Complex | Ap | E2 |
Arnold Dining Center | Arnd | E5 |
Asian and Pacific Cultural Center | APCC | C4 |
Austin Hall | Aust | C4 |
Autzen House | Autz | C8 |
Azalea House | AzHs | C8 |
Ballard Extension Hall | BalE | B5 |
Batcheller Hall | Bat | B6 |
Bates Hall | Bate | B4 |
Beef Research | BfR | B1 |
Bell Tower | Bell | C6 |
Beth Ray Center for Academic Support | BRC | E5 |
Bexell Hall | Bexl | B5 |
Bloss Hall | Blss | E5 |
Burt Hall | Burt | B4 |
Buxton Hall | Bux | C4 |
Callahan Hall | Cal | C7 |
Cascade Hall | Casc | E6 |
Cauthorn Hall | Cau | D4 |
Central Receiving | ||
Central Receiving and Delivery | PrSB | E7 |
Centro Cultural César Chávez | CCCC | E5 |
CH2M HILL Alumni Center | CHAC | E5 |
Champinefu Lodge | Chmp | C8 |
Child Care Center | CCC | D7 |
Clark Laboratory | ClkL | C2 |
Climbing Center | DxRC | D5 |
Community Hall | ComH | C6 |
Coleman Field | D6 | |
Commodity Storage Facility | CSF | B1 |
Cordley Hall | Cord | B4 |
Covell Hall | Covl | B6 |
Crop Science Building | CrpS | C3 |
Dawes House | DGeo | B5 |
Dearborn Hall | Dear | B6 |
Dixon Lodge | DxLg | C8 |
Dixon Recreation Center | DxRC | D5 |
Dryden Hall | Dryd | D3 |
Einerson House | EinH | A4 |
Energy Center | EC | C2 |
Environmental Health | ||
and Safety Annex | EHSA | C2 |
EPA Environmental Research Lab | ERL | C2 |
EPA Laboratory | EPAL | C1 |
Fairbanks Annex | FbAn | C4 |
Fairbanks Hall | Fair | C4 |
Farm Services | FmSv | C1 |
Finley Hall | Finl | E5 |
Forest Sciences Lab | FSL | D2 |
Furman Hall | Furm | C6 |
The Gem | Gem | B6 |
Gilbert Addition | GbAd | B6 |
Gilbert Hall | Gilb | B6 |
Gilfillan Auditorium | Glfn Aud | B4 |
Gilkey Hall | Gilk | C5 |
Gill Coliseum | Gill | E4 |
Gilmore Annex | GmAn | B4 |
Gilmore Hall | Gilm | B4 |
Gladys Valley Gymnastics Center | GVGC | C6 |
Gleeson Hall | Glsn | B6 |
Goss Stadium | D6 | |
Graf Hall | Graf | B6 |
Greenhouse East | EGrn | B4 |
Greenhouse West | WGrn | B3 |
Hallie Ford Center | HFC | B4 |
Halsell Hall | Hal | E6 |
Hattie Redmond Women and Gender Center | HRWG | C6 |
Hawley Hall | Haw | C4 |
Heating Plant | HP | D6 |
Heckart Lodge | HkLg | C4 |
Hilton Garden Inn | Hilton | F5 |
Hinsdale Wave Research Lab | HWRL | D1 |
Hogg Animal Metabolism Lab | HAML | B1 |
Horticulture Crops Research Lab | HRCL | B2 |
Hovland Hall | Hov | C4 |
Indoor Target Range | ITR | D6 |
International Living-Learning Center | ILLC | E6 |
Jefferson Street Building | JSB | C1 |
Johnson Hall | John | B5 |
Kearney Hall | Kear | B7 |
Kelley Engineering Center | KEC | B5 |
Kerr Administration BuildingKAd | C6 | |
Kidder Hall | Kidd | B6 |
Laboratory Animal Resource Center | LARC | D3 |
Langton Hall | Lang | C5 |
The LaSells Stewart Center | LSC | F5 |
Learning Innovation Center | LInC | C4 |
Linus Pauling Science Center | LPSC | B3 |
Lorenz Soccer Field | F6 | |
Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center | BCC | B5 |
Magruder Hall | Magr | E3 |
Magruder Lecture Hall | MLH | E3 |
Marketplace West Dining Center | WsDn | D4 |
McAlexander Field House | McAF | C6 |
McNary Dining Center | McDn | C7 |
McNary Hall | McNy | C7 |
Memorial Union | MU | C5 |
Merritt Truax Indoor Practice Facility | IndP | E3 |
Merryfield Annex | MfA | B7 |
Merryfield Hall | Mfd | B6 |
Milam Auditorium | MAu | C5 |
Milam Hall | Mlm | B5 |
Milne Computer Center | MCC | B6 |
Moreland Hall | More | C5 |
Motor Pool | MoPl | C3 |
Nash Hall | Nash | C4 |
National Forage Seed Research Center | NFSC | B2 |
Native American Longhouse, Eena Haws | NALh | C5 |
Naval ROTC Armory | Navy | D5 |
Oak Creek Building | OakB | F3 |
Ocean Administration Building | OAB | B5 |
Oceanography Complex | Ocean | F4 |
Oceanography Staging | OcSB | F3 |
Oldfield Animal Teaching Facility | OATF | B2 |
Orchard Court Apartments | OrcC | B2 |
OSU Beaver Store | OSBS | E5 |
OSU Foundation Center | Fund | F1 |
Owen Hall | Owen | B6 |
Oxford House | OxHs | C8 |
P. Wayne Valley Sports Performance Center | WVSC | E4 |
Parking Services | Adam | E6 |
Parking Structure | E5 | |
Peavy Hall | Pvy | D3 |
Pharmacy Building | Phar | C6 |
Plageman Student Health Center | PSHC | B5 |
Pole Building | Pole | E3 |
Poling Hall | Pol | D4 |
Precision Agriculture Systems Center | PASC | B1 |
Pride Center | PrC | E6 |
Public Safety | Casc | E6 |
Purchasing | PrSB | E7 |
Radiation Center | RC | C2 |
Reed Lodge | RdLg | C4 |
Reser Stadium | Resr | E4 |
Richardson Hall | Rich | D3 |
Rogers Hall | Rog | B6 |
Sackett Hall | Sack | C4 |
Samaritan Sports Medical Center | SSMC | E3 |
Seed Lab | SL | B2 |
Shepard Hall | Shep | B6 |
Small Animal Lab | SAL | C1 |
Snell Hall | Snel | C6 |
Softball Complex | Sftbl | F5 |
Stevens Natatorium | DxRC | D5 |
Stock Judging Pavilion | SPav | B1 |
Strand Agriculture Hall | StAg | C5 |
Student Experience Center | SEC | C5 |
Student Legacy Park | D4 | |
Tebeau Hall | Tebe | D7 |
Tennis Complex | Tennis | D4 |
Transit Services | Adam | E6 |
UHDS Maintenance Center | HDMC | E2 |
University Plaza | UP | F6 |
Valley Football Center | VFbC | E4 |
Valley Library | VLib | C6 |
Veterinary Dairy Barn | VtBn | D3 |
Veterinary Horse Barn | Pole | E2 |
Veterinary Research Lab | VRL | D3 |
Waldo Hall | Wald | C5 |
Weatherford Hall | Wfd | C4 |
Weniger Hall | Wngr | B5 |
Whyte Track and Field Center | F6 | |
Wiegand Hall | Wgnd | B3 |
Wilkinson Hall | Wlkn | B4 |
Wilson Hall | Wil | D7 |
Withycombe Hall | With | B4 |
Women’s Building | WB | C4 |
Discover. Inquire. Find your niche.
Engineering, Computing and Information Systems
Architectural Engineering
Business Information Systems
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Climate and Biosystems Modeling
Computational Physics
Computer Science
Engineering Management
Design and Innovation Management
Ecological Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Energy Systems Engineering
(OSU-Cascades only)
Environmental Engineering
Forest Engineering
Forest Engineering-Civil Engineering
General Engineering
(Freshmen Only)
Industrial Engineering
Innovation Management
(Double Degree)
Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Radiation Health Physics
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
American Studies
(OSU-Cascades only)
Applied Visual Arts
Asian Studies
Digital Communication Arts
Environmental Economics
and Policy
Ethnic Studies
Graphic Design
Interior Design
Liberal Studies
Marine Studies
Political Science
Public Policy
Religious Studies
Social Science (OSU-Cascades only)
Speech Communication
Women, Gender
and Sexuality Studies
Science and Natural Resources
Agriculture and
Food Business Management
Agricultural Sciences
Animal Bio Health/Pre-Vet
Applied Physics
Biochemistry and Biophysics
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BioHealth Sciences
Bioresource Research
Climate and Biosystems Modeling
Crop and Soil Science
Earth Sciences
Ecological Engineering
Environmental Economics
and Policy
Environmental Sciences
Fisheries and Wildlife Science
Food Science and Technology
Forest Engineering
Forest Engineering-Civil Engineering
Geography and Geospatial Science
Marine Biology
Natural Resources
Pre-Veterinary Medicine
Rangeland Sciences
Renewable Materials
Sustainability (Double Degree)
Therapeutic Horticulture
Tourism, Recreation
and Adventure Leadership
(*AACSB accredited)
Agriculture and
Food Business Management
Apparel Design
Business Administration*
Business Analytics*
Business Information Systems*
Engineering Management
Design and Innovation Management
Environmental Economics
and Policy
General Business
(OSU-Cascades only)
Health Management and Policy
Hospitality Management
(OSU-Cascades only)
Innovation Management
(Double Degree)*
Interior Design
International Business*
Merchandising Management*
Nutrition and Foodservice Systems
Tourism, Recreation and
Adventure Leadership
Health and Wellness
Biochemistry and Biophysics
BioHealth Sciences
Bioresource Research
Health Management and Policy
Health Promotion and
Health Behavior
Human Development and
Family Sciences
Nutrition and Foodservice Systems
Pre-Clinical Laboratory Science
Pre-Physical Therapy
Pre-Physician Assistant
Pre-Veterinary Medicine
Public Health
Radiation Health Physics
Therapeutic Horticulture
A unique 3+3 partnership with the Willamette University College of Law and the Lewis & Clark Law School offers students a path to a law degree in six years.
Oregon State graduates have a nearly 70% acceptance rate into medical school. Students can apply to medical school with any major, as long as required Pre-Med courses are completed. Choose majors in science (BioHealth Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Zoology), Engineering
(Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Radiation Health Physics), Health and Human Sciences (Kinesiology, Nutrition, Public Health) or Liberal Arts (History, Psychology).
Most Pre-Pharmacy undergraduates choose College of Science majors. A common choice is BioHealth Sciences with a Pre-Pharmacy option.
Pre-Veterinary Medicine preparation is available in the College of Agricultural Sciences (Animal Bio Health) and the College of Science (Biology).
Teacher Education
The undergraduate Education Double Degree must be paired with the choice of a primary major.
University Exploratory Studies
You don’t have to decide on a major right away. Exploratory Studies can help you through the process of finding what you want to study while keeping you on track toward graduation.
Honors College
The Honors College is open by selective admission to undergraduate students from all academic majors.