Health and Well-being

The University of Michigan is committed to supporting the health and well-being of its entire community. In addition to the dozens of units and programs that support various aspects of this work on campus, U-M has taken an institutional approach to make a meaningful impact.

In September 2021, U-M joined seven other U.S. universities in adopting the Okanagan Charter, pledging a commitment to take a holistic and sustainable approach to becoming a health-promoting university.

Today, this work is led by the Well-being Collective, a collaborative effort focused on making U-M a better place to live, work, and learn for our students, faculty, and staff by implementing a systemwide approach to supporting well-being across our campus.

The Well-being Collective is sponsored by the Provost and the Vice President for Student Life. Input from the campus community led to the development of a common agenda that will inform the Collective’s work moving forward. Learn more:

Mental Health Resources and Services
Well Being Day